Captivating Cinemagraphs – Ann Street Studio

Beautiful work by the creators of this intriguing art form known as cinemagraphs.
In 2011, fashion photographers Kevin Burg and Jamie Beck of Ann Street Studio discovered/created Cinemagraphs : a photograph with small elements of motion. 5 years later, they continue to impress, as cinemagraphs catch on in the mainstream. Mind you, they’re rarely well done, but many more people, including myself, are hopping on the cinemagraph bandwagon.


Artist: Ann Street Studio
Title: Cinemagraph – Afternoon Of Daydreams
Photographer: Jamie Beck
Model: Edythe Hughes

About the author

A dad and professional in the film business, occasional music video and commercial director, cinemagraph creator and recent developer of the iOS App, Toys Away! Snow Today! Living and working in Toronto, Ontario.