Cinemagraph Storybook Apps: A New Medium For 2018

Ever been looking at a photograph on the internet when you suddenly realize that some things in the picture are moving?

Kids are frozen in motion running along the beach but the waves are rhythmically lapping up against the shore behind them or a model’s hair blows in the breeze while their face is perfectly still?

Those moving pictures you saw are called cinemagraphs, still images with some elements of video that loop seamlessly to create an infinitely frozen yet alive effect.

Adults and kids alike find cinemagraphs engaging thanks to the seemingly incongruous combination of action and still images.

Although there is some debate about when, where and who created them, the term “cinemagraph” was created in 2011 by fashion photographers Kevin Berg and Jamie Beck.

The advertising industry has been using cinemagraphs since then with their popularity exploding in the past few years – social media networks like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are all now supporting looping video and companies like Flixel offer applications to simplify the process of creating cinemagraphs.

Still, with all of this popularity, cinemagraphs have never been used for more than one-off moving images, advertising, and the odd attempt at dropping them into videos as a unique effect.

Now, with Toys Away! Snow Today! appearing in the App Store, perhaps cinemagraphs have turned a corner and will emerge as a TRUE storytelling medium.


What do you think? We’d like to hear your reaction…and your children’s reactions!

Check out Toys Away! Snow Today! For your IOS device, in the App Store now!


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About the author

A dad and professional in the film business, occasional music video and commercial director, cinemagraph creator and recent developer of the iOS App, Toys Away! Snow Today! Living and working in Toronto, Ontario.