Part of the appeal of intermittent fasting (IF) for me was that I wouldn’t have to significantly change my diet. The only real change I’ve made is my first meal: how I break my fast. One of the most helpful resources I’ve found on IF is this YouTube dude named […]
Because I Find It FAST-inating. See what I did there? Right off the bat, let me just address one thing that people keep assuming about intermittent fasting (IF): it is NOT A DIET. It’s simply changing your eating schedule, most commonly by skipping breakfast and/or a morning snack. If your […]
How I Started Spending Fewer Hours At The Gym And Got Into Better Shape – German Body Comp Training
Less Time Working Out = More Muscle Gained? I’m a busy guy. Who isn’t, right? I have a full time job on a demanding, big budget television series, I create videos and apps in whatever free time I can scrounge up, and most importantly I have a family – a […]